Santa’s Secret Surprise Tour ~ Romania!

Romania: An Eastern European Secret Awaits Your Discovery

Located in the heart of Eastern Europe with a rich history, Romania beckons with its untouched charm and the natural beauty of its countryside. Romania’s allure lies in its uncharted territories, captivating history, and warm hospitality. Join us and meet like-minded world travelers on a journey that promises to unravel the secrets of this enchanting country. Let’s look at some of the highlights of our upcoming trip.

Bucharest is Romania’s capital, where a seamless blend of historical landmarks and modern vibrancy awaits. We’ll stroll through the grandeur of the Palace of the Parliament, explore the stories embedded in the Old Town’s narrow streets, and feel the pulse of a city that has weathered storms and emerged stronger. Of course, we’ll also enter the realm of legends as we embark on a castle tour through Transylvania.

From the iconic Bran Castle, often associated with the Dracula myth, to the fortified wonders of Rasnov and Peles, each castle narrates a story of medieval grandeur. In Brasov, discover the enchantment of the Black Church, the charm of Council Square, and the panoramic views from Tampa Mountain. Venture to Sighisoara, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where cobblestone streets lead you to the birthplace of Vlad the Impaler. We’ll explore the Painted Monasteries of Northern Moldova, where vibrant frescoes adorn ancient walls, depicting stories of faith and resilience. These towns echo with the whispers of history, waiting for you to unravel their secrets.

There will also be culinary and wine adventures when we engage our senses in a cooking workshop that introduces us to Romania’s rich culinary traditions. We’ll learn to prepare traditional dishes, savoring the authentic flavors that define Romanian cuisine. Then there’s a visit to the Liliac Winery, where the art of winemaking meets modern innovation. Here, we’ll enjoy a tasting experience that celebrates the unique terroir of Romanian wines.

Romania’s off-the-beaten-path destinations offer authentic encounters with local communities, all the while bonding with an incredible group of fellow adventurers who appreciate the subtler, richer travel experience. Whether engaging with artisans in traditional villages or sharing stories over a home-cooked meal, these experiences unveil the genuine warmth and hospitality that make Romania truly special. Romania’s well-kept secrets, coupled with its rich cultural tapestry, make it a destination worth exploring, especially with TravelAvidly’s small group expert tours.

Date: September 27 – October 7, 2024Secret Santa Surprise Special: Book before the end of 2023, and you can gift this trip to yourself and your loved ones for only $2,995, including air from NYC.